How Do Celebrities Grow Beards So Quickly?

It is normal to be curious about how celebrities grow beards so quickly. I’ve asked this question quite a number of times too. Isn’t it strange and knowledge-demanding to notice that some male celebrities grow beards so quickly whenever they want and however they want it?  You may see them in a concert today with … Read more

Can Every Man Grow Beard

Bearded men everywhere, growing of beard was used be nothing to worry about but now the story has changed. It is now the talk of the town, many have spent thousands of Naira and dollars, but yet to grow the beards. Which must have lead to the question can every man grow beard? Is it possible … Read more

Teenage Beard – all you need to know.

Life, the 21st century’s generation claim to begin at fourteen, so is the teenage Beard. However, let’s say because of genetics and a few more factors, like geographical restrictions, et al, say life general begins during the teenage years. Every nitty-gritty of you tends to develop during this stage. Ranging from the thickness of the … Read more