Basic Things To Know About Your Beards

A few observations on the above pictures
Handsome? Check
Dapper? Check
Established? Check
Celebrities in their own right? Check
We can all agree that apart from being handsome, these men have these attributes in common. There is something else they have in common though and that’s their very obvious BEARDS!!!.
These men appear and you can’t help but notice their well-kept beards. Even if you’re seeing it from pictures, you just want to run your fingers through it -as a female, and would have that ‘I wish it were me’ as a male ( no harm accepting it 😉 ).
What is a Beard?
- The growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man’s face.
- Synonyms: Facial hair, whiskers, stubble, five o’clock shadow, bristles, etc.
- The beard has always been in existence. It is after all, one of the signs of puberty; something that shows the transition from a scrawny little boy to a man.
- It used to be something that proved your ‘manliness’.
In previous years, men kept their beards to appear more masculine, show they not little boys and prove that they have had years of experience on their side. Some used it to show off their fat pockets even if it’s a little ‘goatee’.
In recent times, the ‘proper’ term is BEARD GANG. You see guys proudly saying ‘I have joined the beard gang’, the social media hashtags also not forgotten #beardgang…
Having a full beard has become such a very big deal that every man craves to be part of the beard gang and those who find themselves lacking in that department, not by choice, sometimes feel excluded.
The beard gang has taken over and we can not ignore it even if we try.
What then is this beard gang?
Beard gang is just that… An ‘elite’ group of dapper men who have taken it upon themselves to bestow upon us the awesome allure of their beauti’full’ beards…
Shades of Beards
Step up your beard game to the next level
Which of these would you rock?.
Van Dyke
Petite Goatee
Are we still talking about just beards?
When did joining the gang become so complicated? It really isn’t.
We must have lost you somewhere in the list of different types of beards. Not to worry, we got you. We can’t have you looking all funny just by rocking a beard that doesn’t suit you.
The fun part of the beard gang journey is that there’s a wide option to choose from. If you’re someone who has a big amount of facial hair, or someone whose hair grows back almost immediately after cutting/shaving, then you bruv, are just in luck!. You get to try out different styles before settling on the one that’s you.
Here’s how to get some of the styles mentioned. You can try them out and change as often as you want. Who says you have to stick to one style? 😉
Shave sharp lines near your cheekbones keeping your beard short on the sides and fuller on the chin. The aim is to give the outline of a square( that is what it’s called after all) and to take advantage of your square jawline.
Simply a chin path with a mustache that forms a circle.
This works with keeping your hair full on your chin. Just slim your face with angled shaving along the cheekbones.
Keep the beard short on the bottom and longer on the sides to show a strong facial structure.
A vertical line of hair across the chin.
A small beard that makes the chin appear elongated.
A chin strip anchoring a moustache.
It’s no secret that there are different types of beard styles. One just as to find that which suits his face.
There’s the square, circle, royale, goatee, petite goatee, round, Balbo beard and so on. The goal is to find something that is you. Now, no matter the style, keeping a beard is not for the lazy or ‘slow’. It is a trend that has its ritual. Failure to perform the rituals produce a tacky looking beard and that’s a no-mo. A slap on the face of the beard gang elite. The ritual while ‘simple’ can simply NOT be overlooked. Everyone knows that anything regarding the face has a lot to do with hygiene.
Have mercy on the innocent souls whose only crime is wanting to behold the magnificence and beauty of a well-kept beard. A smelly and/or bushy beard is not allowed.
Asides from the washing, shaving, and what not, there are products available all around to ease your beard gang journey.
There are oils, creams, many beard growth and care products available in the market which frankly makes it easy to grow and keep ( I’ll reiterate that this isn’t for the weak) if you’re determined on this journey.
We can not overstress the importance of beard care(products). It is very essential. And with the influx of different products in the market, finding one that works well for you is key. Have you used a product that didn’t quite work as you dreamed? Then this is for you.
BEARDS, the pros, and the cons
Beards have always been somewhat a yardstick of measuring the masculinity of the male gender, and growing beards is an interesting time in the life of a man. Even with that, most men aren’t sure if they want to grow some or not. And as with anything a person wants to embark on, weighing the pros and cons of joining the beard gang trend has to be analyzed.
During cold weather, with teeth chattering, we all try to bundle up. Cardigans, head warmers, any and everything to keep warm. The face is the only part of the body that goes head-on into the cold and sadly there isn’t any piece of clothing yet that can protect the face from the intense cold. Having beard hair is just the thing to keep you warm.
Let’s be honest, having beards no matter how little tends to make one exude the ‘mature’ aura. People would naturally assume you really are their senior, some would go as far as calling you ‘sir’, ‘bros’, or ‘egbon’. Same cannot be said for those without, as they are more often than not usually seen as ‘small boys’. Even science backs this up as growing beards is considered as one of the signs of puberty, i.e growing up in the male gender.
We cannot overstress the fact that beards make a man more attractive and sexy. It oozes manliness and gives off an aura of intensity all of which attracts the women. Attracting women isn’t such a bad thing after all.
Why do women find a bearded man attractive?
- First impressions; it gives you off as an authoritative, trustworthy, respectable and distinguished gentleman. What woman wouldn’t love that?
- Shows commitment; having and maintaining a full beard isn’t an easy task. A woman sees a man who has accomplished this as a man who is well aware of what commitment is and can handle it.
- No competition; a man with beards appears to be more intimidating to other man and makes you the alpha male in her eyes.
- History; prominent/brilliant men in history like the Pharaohs, scientists(Darwin, Einstein), scholars like Aristotle apart from their brilliance and the power they wielded all had one thing in common, BEARDS. Beards were and still is associated with the wisdom that comes with age. No woman would say no to a ‘wise’ partner.
- The feels; it’s widely believed that most women enjoy the feeling of running their hands through a well trimmed and kept beard.
Finding what style works best for you and using it as a fashion statement to draw attention to your attractiveness is very cool.
Shaving has its own allocated time in a daily routine. Now, imagine not having to do that daily. It gives room for some extra few minutes which can be channeled to doing something else.
You probably on the balding side, or have thinning hair. Or your hair is too stubborn and you can’t seem to tame it. Carrying around hairbrush or combs just to make your hair more presentable every two minutes can get exhausting. Having a beard cancels all that. You could shave it all off and let your beard hair do the talking for you. Trust me, that is a style of gold right there!!.
There are different styles of beards that you could play around with which would, in turn, give your face more character. Probably your chin feels a bit, or you feel you’ve got a plain face. Beard is like makeup for the guys. Finding the right one for you covers up any facial character you want hidden and makes the ones you decide to show off more pronounced. It’s a win-win!!
Scientific studies have shown that having beards blocks up to 95% UV rays, which in turn reduces the risk of skin cancer. Suffering from asthma? No problem. The beard will trap dust and pollen, and prevent it from entering your respiratory system.
In the beginning, growing beards come along with itchiness which could be annoying not just for you, but for those who may come in contact with your beards. It could be very prickly.
Good news is, the longer your beards grow, the itchiness disappears. Now, if after growing your beards out and the itchiness persists, there are a few things that could correct that;
- Ensure you keep the area clean always
- Keep your beards hydrated. This is very important.
- Get products that help. There are some products, beard oils, special shampoos, conditioners, on the market that can help with this.
This could only happen when it’s not well taken care of. Hygiene is paramount. Not just for keeping beards but in your everyday life.
Just take care of your beards and you’ll be fine.
Some girls do not like beards. Emphasis on the ‘some’. What planet these girls come from, I can’t say. Simple solution; get you a girl that is on the same page as you are.
IN CONCLUSION, you’d agree that there really aren’t many cons as compared to the pros. Exactly! Why? Because, if taken care of properly, there really isn’t any real con to keeping a beard.
Beards are truly a beautiful thing, you could never go wrong keeping it. If that fact doesn’t sell you, that it has health benefits (which have been scientifically proven), should do the trick!.
Have you decided on joining the beard gang trend?
Welcome!!. In this journey, you’d be needing some lifesavers. Products that would ease your journey into the beard gang kingdom.
If you’re really serious about this journey, you’d need a full and complete grooming kit. Filled with the best beard products available, not just trimmer and scissors. To look as peng as possible, you’d need to pull all the stops. We’re talking oil, shampoo, balm, wax, even a razor isn’t left out!.
Beard Oil
All beard oil products are a blend of one or more ingredients like coconut oil, tea tree oil, grape seed oil, etc. These ingredients are used to address beard problems such as itching, dryness or sensitive skin. There are scented and unscented versions of beard oil and can be used as a substitute cologne or aftershave. Beard oil acts as a moisturizer hence some brands may contain added vitamins such as vitamin E. Beard oil also improves the way your beards look by giving it a little shine thus, making the beards look healthier.
Some brands available in Nigeria are; Castor oil, Honest Amish, Leven Rose.
And if you don’t trust some of these brands we have all around us, you could also try your hands out at making your oil yourself. The ingredients and DIY videos are readily available.
Beard Balm
This also has its functions, some of which includes:
- Keeping your beard easy and provides a stronghold
- Minimizing dryness and breakage of your beard hair follicles
- Also gives your beards some shine
- Keeps your beards hydrated and comfortable all day giving no room for annoying itching
The brand ‘Honest Amish’ also has a beard balm available on the market…
Beard shampoo
It’s great in that this simple and effective beard care solution, in its versatility, can be used both on the hair and body.
Some available brands are Leven Rose, Natural Nigerian Beard Wash with Neem Oil, Uncle Jimmy Hair.
Having your full kit, you can never go wrong on your beard gang journey.